unrepeatable's san francisco review


all sorts of balls

after a very long day at work, coworker and i went to japantown for dinner.

helpful origami wayfinders


we did not eat at the japantown denny's, though according to my coworker (and this) they have a special asian influenced menu. we had ramen and these creamy octopus ball things whose names i cannot remember at popo-something. popo-something is not the actual name of the restaurant. i cannot remember that either. in fact, i'm not really remembering much of anything. i think this is because i was scared by a tanuki that was lurking in a shop window.

check out that scrotum

tanukis are sort of a god. a mythical creature that loves sake and never pays its bills. i know about tanukis because i read tom robbin's
villa incognito a few years ago in which a tanuki parachutes to earth, i believe, using his excessive scrotal skin. this tanuki, however, seemed a little less flexible. i sometimes wish i were a tanuki, but then i think i really don't want those balls. i'd be afraid that i'd snag them on something and there wouldn't be enough sake in the world to dull the pain.


  • oooh oooh, Japantown!!! I looooove Japantown. If you get a chance there's this stationery store that starts with a T inside one of the Japantown centers that sells all sorts of cutesy "Engrish" stationery (like the Hamburger Panda ones!)

    And a long time ago there used to be this photo booth where you could have an ink-stamp of your face made! Which is scary, but fun! I love Japantown!

    By Blogger Daily Gluttony, at 10/4/06 21:54  

  • oh and by the way, yes, those are some big balls.

    By Blogger Daily Gluttony, at 10/4/06 21:55  

  • i have been twice to japantown- but both times were just for food. i am looking forward to spending gobs of money (an time) on such silly things there when carrie comes for a visit.

    By Blogger unrepeatable, at 11/4/06 15:42  

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